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"God is not in need but can only meet your needs through your diligent and dedicated work with him"
hank God you have read books but there's no book as profitable as the word of God this is because it carries the answer to all life's questions and knowing it broadens your spiritual and physiological knowledge thereby leaving you in a state of unbelief to the things coming from those who claim to be it's interpreter. although there are various kinds of people who posses the Holy Spirit which has now given them access to the deep secret things of God, there are still others out there who squeeze the word just ti make it correspond with whatever there are trying to convince you into believing and only those that are not word filled will fall victims to their cunning translations of a particular reference. after carefully reading and understanding this post, it will unveil to you the truth that will totally terminate all excuses of you not being able to Study The Word.
"But remember; it is not enough to read or hear, but you must act on the word you've heard to bring about results"
Christianity is not stupidity there's always a how in doing everything (Eccl 10: 15);
"But remember; it is not enough to read or hear, but you must act on the word you've heard to bring about results"
Christianity is not stupidity there's always a how in doing everything (Eccl 10: 15);
Bible Study Strategies:
- Determine Why You Want to Study: Have a reason else you will get nothing at the end of everything. try making a list for why you want to study. it might be for searching for all round breakthroughs, want to regain your love for God, prepare yourself to become a preacher, studying a particular character in the Bible, getting references for a prayer point or want to worship God. all this you want to do, you must have a clear mental picture of why. if you can answer the question of why, the you have pictured it and if you can picture it, then you understand it.
- Choose an Appropriate Time and Place: Always have a time for everything you do and also a place for doing certain things. you can't profit from the Bible when you study in a noisy environment so seek for a quiet place and study alone(except with other individuals who have the same mind as you do at that moment) avoid distractions at the time of studying because they only subtract from you. create a time of quietness for studying. although staying in a very quiet enviroment will do a lot more good, inner quietness can also be cultivated.
- Share What You've Learnt From The Word: Share the knowledge you gattherd from the word you've studied. research have shown that the knowledge you share more often extend it's time being in your brain and makes you become what you share except you choose not to. sharing it means following Christ because Jesus said to his disciples" follow me and i will make you fishers of men"
- Determine Why You Want to Study: Have a reason else you will get nothing at the end of everything. try making a list for why you want to study. it might be for searching for all round breakthroughs, want to regain your love for God, prepare yourself to become a preacher, studying a particular character in the Bible, getting references for a prayer point or want to worship God. all this you want to do, you must have a clear mental picture of why. if you can answer the question of why, the you have pictured it and if you can picture it, then you understand it.
- Choose an Appropriate Time and Place: Always have a time for everything you do and also a place for doing certain things. you can't profit from the Bible when you study in a noisy environment so seek for a quiet place and study alone(except with other individuals who have the same mind as you do at that moment) avoid distractions at the time of studying because they only subtract from you. create a time of quietness for studying. although staying in a very quiet enviroment will do a lot more good, inner quietness can also be cultivated.
- Share What You've Learnt From The Word: Share the knowledge you gattherd from the word you've studied. research have shown that the knowledge you share more often extend it's time being in your brain and makes you become what you share except you choose not to. sharing it means following Christ because Jesus said to his disciples" follow me and i will make you fishers of men"
- The Bible: First get a Bible at lease two Versions. King James Version (KJV) and New English Version (NIV) Are widely used by preachers. having two versions helps you see in two dimensions.
- The Bible Dictionary: It defines and describes people, things and places in the Bible. most Bibles are carriers of it's own Dictionary usually found ate their Back covers.
- Bible Concordance: A Bible concordance is a concordance, or verbal index, to the Bible. A simple form lists Biblical words alphabetically, with indications to enable the inquirer to find the passages of the Bible where the words occur. Wikipedia
- Bible Commentary: A commentary contains a useful comment of a Bible Passage and takes your mind from just looking at the word, into looking at the way it is.
- Map: Scale drawings of Cities, towns and places in the Bible.
- A Note Book and A Pen: Every time God reveals a truth to you, you write it down else you forget it.
- The Bible: First get a Bible at lease two Versions. King James Version (KJV) and New English Version (NIV) Are widely used by preachers. having two versions helps you see in two dimensions.
- The Bible Dictionary: It defines and describes people, things and places in the Bible. most Bibles are carriers of it's own Dictionary usually found ate their Back covers.
- Bible Concordance: A Bible concordance is a concordance, or verbal index, to the Bible. A simple form lists Biblical words alphabetically, with indications to enable the inquirer to find the passages of the Bible where the words occur. Wikipedia
- Bible Commentary: A commentary contains a useful comment of a Bible Passage and takes your mind from just looking at the word, into looking at the way it is.
- Map: Scale drawings of Cities, towns and places in the Bible.
- A Note Book and A Pen: Every time God reveals a truth to you, you write it down else you forget it.
Study Patterns:
It is good to determine the kind of pattern you want to use in studying the Bible. here are patterns for productive word study.
- Individual Book Study: In this pattern, you concentrate on a particular individual and referring it to your own self. it introduce you to people in the Bible. you learn about each person's accomplishments, strengths, weaknesses etc. (Abraham-James 2:23, Moses-Hebrews 3:5, David-Acts 13:22, etc.)
- Technical Study: This method can also be referred to as Book by Book Study. the Bible which is made up of 66 books altogether were written by different people through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. however, this method helps you to get the flow, the power and intent of the writer of each book. and you may decide to choose a particular book per time for your study.
- Chapter by Chapter: The focus here is not in the volume read but in the depth of understanding of scriptures. it is not about trying to read the Bible in one year but being able to track the transformations and testimonies that revelation has revealed in your life, in the course of the year. you may decide to study chapter 1 to 10 of Matthew since it's made up of 28 chapters. in this case, you get to read each chapter at least three times before the end of that month.
- Textual Study: This involves picking out a particular text or parable. the purpose for this is all about trying get the light and revelation hidden in that parable. you begin to ponder on it and pondering opens up the figurative and symbolic truth in the word to you to the point of you picturing it mentally.
- Reading Through: You can plan on how to read through the Bible on your own. as you read, ensure that you take note of any truth you want to remember and try to memorize any particular verse(s) that ministers the most to you that Day.
- Topical Study: Here, you pick a particular topic of interest for your study per time. scanning through subject indexes of the Bible(though not all Bibles have this) you definitely will find some topics such as salvation, obedience, healing, sin, prosperity, etc., that will interest you.
In conclusion, each book of the Bible has great introductions which could give you a good background understanding. each page of the Bible has a specific topic at the top (though not all Bibles have this). this topic gives an insight to that page. always read and ponder on them, as they can be very helpful during your study.
- Individual Book Study: In this pattern, you concentrate on a particular individual and referring it to your own self. it introduce you to people in the Bible. you learn about each person's accomplishments, strengths, weaknesses etc. (Abraham-James 2:23, Moses-Hebrews 3:5, David-Acts 13:22, etc.)
- Technical Study: This method can also be referred to as Book by Book Study. the Bible which is made up of 66 books altogether were written by different people through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. however, this method helps you to get the flow, the power and intent of the writer of each book. and you may decide to choose a particular book per time for your study.
- Chapter by Chapter: The focus here is not in the volume read but in the depth of understanding of scriptures. it is not about trying to read the Bible in one year but being able to track the transformations and testimonies that revelation has revealed in your life, in the course of the year. you may decide to study chapter 1 to 10 of Matthew since it's made up of 28 chapters. in this case, you get to read each chapter at least three times before the end of that month.
- Textual Study: This involves picking out a particular text or parable. the purpose for this is all about trying get the light and revelation hidden in that parable. you begin to ponder on it and pondering opens up the figurative and symbolic truth in the word to you to the point of you picturing it mentally.
- Reading Through: You can plan on how to read through the Bible on your own. as you read, ensure that you take note of any truth you want to remember and try to memorize any particular verse(s) that ministers the most to you that Day.
- Topical Study: Here, you pick a particular topic of interest for your study per time. scanning through subject indexes of the Bible(though not all Bibles have this) you definitely will find some topics such as salvation, obedience, healing, sin, prosperity, etc., that will interest you.
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