Why pray to see prophecies fulfilled - Think Big Ministries

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Why pray to see prophecies fulfilled

Why pray to see prophecies fulfilled

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If God said it, he is up to it.
Prophecies are spiritual opened doors but comes with many contentions (1cor 16: 9) (deut 2: 24)
(1 Tim 1:18) we engage in a good warfare to see prophecies fulfilled. we engage in strategic war fare. don't watch but contend to see it come to pass. (Gen 15: 13) (Exodus 3: 7)
the israelites have to invoke the fulfilment of prophecies by crying out.
it takes a fight of faith to maximise the virtue of light in your life.
you don't pray it, you may never see it.
Types of prayers

  1. Supplication: p
  2. Intercession: Invoking divine intervention
  3. Comfrontation: God won't speak to your mountains, it is you who has to do it. you confront your mountains in battles. 2kings 2: 24) is time to stand up against everything resisting the prophetic word of God for the year from manifesting in your life/ God sent moses to confront pharoah (Exo 4: 23)

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